Wednesday, January 14, 2009

If I Win the Lottery, I'll Tithe

“If I win the lottery, I’ll tithe.”

by Pastor Timothy Satryan

Ever hear someone say that? The words may change a bit from one get-rich-quick scheme to another, but the sentiment expressed stays the same. Yet the truth is, the more a person earns, the less likely he is to give at least 10 percent.
According to the Barna Organization, fewer than 10 percent of born-again Christians tithe (give 10 percent) to God! The people most likely to do this, in fact, are those who earn the least, and even that is not a high percentage. Only 8 percent of those making $20,000 or less tithe. And the percentages keep dropping as the income rises, to only 1 percent of those making $75,000 to $99,999. (After that the percentage of tithing does rise some.)
Still, it appears that the more one has, the less likely he is to tithe. You would think the opposite would be true. Surely the more one has, the easier it is to give. But that is not the case. As one prospers, the heart can be affected, drawn away from heaven to earth, from that which is eternal to things that are temporary.
Jesus’ words strike at the heart of both the problem and the person: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Want to check your heart? Check your checkbook! That book will have the evidence to confirm what holds the attention of your heart. Focus on making deposits in the bank of heaven.
Do a check of your checkbook. Does it reflect a life that gives to God?

Here is your copy of firstIMPRESSIONS, Volume 9.02. Live for God, on purpose, giving back to the Lord, for He has given you everything!

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